
Phillipians 4:6

I have always been a worrier.  I can remember being a child and worrying about things for hours that  should have never even crossed my mind.

My sweet husband and I have been married for two years, and his mom, grandmother and I should all be members of Worry Warts Anonymous.  He told me he has seen his dad calm his mom down often over the years.  He does the same for me.  I am one lucky girl.

He keeps me laughing and on my toes.  I spend way more time enjoying the moment instead of worrying about the next because of this funny guy.

When our Little Guy was born, my worrying flew to a new level.  I won't go into the LONG list of worries that reside in the mind and heart of a new Mother, but I was THAT girl the first few months of his life.  Seasoned moms watched me with a smirk, and I can only imagine what was going through their minds.

In a totally off topic conversation with my Mother-in-law, she was discussing the various obstacles she ran into while raising my husband and his older brother, and she mentioned a few of the verses that helped to get her through.

I found a verse and sent it to my husband, and told him this will help me when my tendancies get the best of me.

"Don't worry about anything; 
instead, pray about everything.  
Tell God what you need, 
and thank him for all he has done."
Phillipians 4:6

I am so glad I shared this with him.  When I say something a little crazy, he sweetly replies, "Go read your verse, Babe."

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